Monday, July 19, 2010

A sign for Grace

I like these kind of crafts, the kind that take less than a half hour but look nicer than that.

I'm not really fond of the font I used for "GRACE" so one day I might change it. I really like the font for "finds beauty in everything" and if you're interested you can find it here.


Unknown said...

I'll teach you if you teach me how to decorate!

Poppa and Grandma Netty said...

Sorry Britta, for blog stalking...this is Alisha's mother-in-law, Jeanette Taylor. I love seeing what you do and the creativity you share. I LOVE the wall flowers....something I would have made in my younger days. But I want to comment on oatmeal because everytime I try to eat it and make it taste decent ends up more like a bowl full of candy bar. Yum but bad for me anyway....funny.